Assalammualaikum students...ha..cute tak gambar kat atas ni? Mesti u all pun cute macam ni se
masa tidur...anyhow, wake up..wake up..!! UPS is just around the corner and u need to do vigorous preparation for that. So, u need to have a checklist to enable u to complete your study. Apart of your learning outcomes, here are some remarks that u need to emphasize in learning biodiversity and ecology. Good luck students. Hopefully you will achieve good scores for DB035. K, cherio..

You should be able to:
Classify organism into taxonomic groups (kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and spesies) with suitable answer (example of question is in your UPS past years collection).
The five kingdom system based on Whittaker(1969).

Differentiate eubacteria (E.coli) and archaebacteria (Sulfolobus sp.) based on cell wall structure, association of histone to the DNA and structure of membrane lipid. Eubacteria include Cyanobacteria (blue green algae).
State the importance of bacteria:
     i) recycling of chemical elements in ecosystem (nitrogen fixation)
    ii) symbiotic (enterobacteria e.g. E.coli in human intestine)
   iii) pathogenic
   iv) in research and technology

State the importance of Protista:
    i) roles in biosphere (CO2 fixation)
   ii) food source (Spirulina and Chlorella)
  iii) eutrophication (algae bloom)
  iv) red tide (red algae)
   v) human health (Plasmodium- malaria) 

State the importance of Fungi;
    i) decomposers
   ii) simbionts
  iii) pathogens
  iv) commercial importance in food production (fermented food)
   v) pharmaceutical (penicillin)

Alternation of generation
Terrestrial adaptations
Homosporous and heterosporous, including the examples

Show the phylogenetic tree
1) Phylum porifera
- water system

2) Phylum Coelentrata
- Obelia life cycle that shows that medusa and polyp

3) Phylum Platyhelminthes
- germ layers and body cavities (acoelomate)
- Platyhelminthes as parasites with the exceptions of Tubellarians

4) Phylum Nematoda
- body cavity (pseudocoelom), unsegmented and triploblastic in Nematoda
- State Nematoda (Brugia malayi) as Elephantiasis causing agent.

5) Phylum Annelida
- body cavity-metameric segmentation, coelomates, triploblastic, nephridium as excretory organ in Annelida
- State roles of Annelida in soil aeration, medical use (anti-coagulant).

6) Phylum Arthropods
- exoskeleton, tagmata and jointed appendages
- relate the unique characteristics contributing to the success of arthropods as compared to other animals
* comparison among the classes is not required

7) Phylum Mollusca
- learn baout the visceral mass, mantle dan muscular foot in Mollusca
* comparison among the classes is not required

8) Phylum Echinodermata
- learn about the water vascular system and tube feet
- know about the role of echinodermata e.g. crown thorn starfish- threaten the coral reef
 * comparison among the classes is not required

9) Phylum Chordata
 * comparison among the classes is not required

- u should be able to define all the terms in ecology such as population, community, consumer, producer, heterotrophs and so on..
- u are also will be asked about competition, parasitism, predation, commensalism and mutualism
- lake zonation including its startification and its biotic components
- In energy flow through ecosystem, u need to know about the the types of pyramid, calculation on energy loss and explain why food chain does not consist of more than five trophic levels.
- please emphasize on carbon cycle; relate to carbon sequestration and carbon exchange
- In sustainable development, u need also to include biological control as one of the methods in sustaining agriculture e.g. crop rotation.

                                                                    -  FIN -


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