Assalammualaikum...(sempat bagi salam walaupun mood tengah teruk). Bukan apa, something happened and I was very depress with it...Huh..tak apalah, bulan puasa, kena banyak bersabar..Astaghfirullah. So, dibawah ini, saya nak terangkan tentang kingdom plantae.
Kingdom plantae can be divided into 4 groups. They are Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms. All the mosses such as
Marchantia sp.,
Polytrichum sp.,
Funaria sp.,
Antoceros sp., were grouped together as Bryophytes because they are different!! They do not have a vascular system!! They are non vascular. The others, they have vascular system by having true roots, true stems and true leaves. The bryophytes can be classified into 3 phyla: Phylum Bryophytes, phylum Hepatophyta and Phylum Anthocerophyta.
Female Marchantia sp. |
Gemmae cup Marchantia sp. |
Polytrichum sp. |
Meanwhile, the pteridophytes can be classified into Phylum Lycopodiophyta and Phylum Pteridophyta. Now, the plants that are under Phylum Lycopodiophyta are
Selaginella sp. and
Lycopodium sp. These two can be differentiated according to the types of spores.
Selaginella sp. has strobilli that contains heterosporous but the
Lycopodium sp. contains homosporous.
Dryopteris sp. cannot be compared with those two plants because they are under different phyla. The spores of the
Dryopteris sp. are in sorii that located under fronds.
Selaginella sp. |
The Gymnosperms are the non-flowering plants. They can classsifed into 4
divisions: Coniferophyta, Cycadophyta, Ginkgophyta and Gnetophyta. On
the other hand, the Angiosperms are the flowering plants that classified
into division Magnoliophyta (previouly named as Anthophyta). Thus, saya
sertakan sekali plant taxonomy:
Taxonomy of Kingdom Plantae |
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